Urgent Message

Urgent Message

It has come to our attention that someone is impersonating Archbishop Steven Evans using a fake account on Facebook and trying to gain donations.

Please be vigilant online, any donations sent to us should always be made through the ticcn.org website, we would never ask for payment to be sent by other means.

Here are a few precautions to take:

Be weary of any messages sent direct through Facebook messenger asking for money.

Only make donations directly through ticcn.org

If in doubt about any communications sent to you via facebook, contact us through our contact form on ticcn.org to confirm if the communication is legitimate.

Bright Future Society Awards

Bright Future Society Awards

Archbishop Steven Lyn Evans, Bishop Nadeem, Pastor Roekh Nadeem, and Nigel Brooke all received an award in recognition for their service towards the development of Pakistan from the Bright Future Society & Implementation Minority Rights Forum. The awards were presented by President Samuel Payara of the Bright Future Society from Pakistan during a service at Living Faith Church.

Archbishop Steven said ‘I’m delighted that President Payara has joined us as an honorary member of TICCN’s ministerial and advisory team. We have committed to working towards attempting to secure a peaceful future for the people of Pakistan and look to develop ongoing strategies to help all persecuted people. Please join us in prayer for this important humanitarian work.’